The Millennium Clock in Hale
Exclusive photos of the event and brochure.
The Hale Millennium Clock was designed and built to celebrate the turn of the century in Hale Village. On Saturday 8th July in the year 2000, from 11:30am to 12:30pm there was an opening ceremony. It was an enjoyable and momentous occasion. Here is a selection of pictures I took on the day including scans of the original brochure.
The first two photos are of the crowd building up ready for the ceremony.
In the picture below are the bagpipers that played and paraded through the square.
Here are the bagpipers playing for the crowd.
The next photo is of MP Graham Brady addressing the crowd from a specially built stage.
The next photo shows all the guest speakers on stage.
The next 3 images are of the brochure handed out on the day. Firstly the front of the brochure:
The inside of the brochure:
Finally the back of the brochure:
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